And The Ground Started To Shake
Peep homies face @ :18. It's one of those it's not funny but it is funny kinda things. WHY DID HE JUST STAND THERE?!?!? He must not be from California...there were so many wrong things that happened here.
Verbal Action
Sent from the sibling last night. Love it.
Another intern I work with sent me this. Check it. He's right, the GZA is the fucking genius!
Xoxo - S.
Juice Jam Fundraiser! / Get your drank on!

Hip Hop Happy Hour
Saturday, August 2nd
@ R. Palate
215 SW 6th (between Oak and Pine)
No Cover
$3 Drafts
$4 Wells
Dinners under $6
Featuring DJs Mighty Mooves, Kid Shilo and Deff Ro
Please come through, sip a cosmo, shirley temple, cognac on the rocks or whatever floats your boat and enjoy great hip hop.
And after Hip Hop Happy Hour be sure and make your way over to Pala for the Buttermilk Baby Maker's Off the Wall 80s
vs 90s Dance Party
Much love - S.
Dear PDX AKA Separation Anxiety

You caught me at an emo moment...
all this separation. Seriously??
Is that whats hot??
I get so annoyed. I do. I really do.
One of the many things that will ALWAYS amaze me about Hip Hop is the UNIITY.
It's amazing!!!
It unified then....and it's still unifies now.
Millions of mofo's brought together for one reason...Hip Hop.
The separation that resides in this little big town sometimes... *smh*makes me so sad.
This town's worth is soooo amazing and recognized across the GLOBE!
I know folks who come, rock a show, or handle their B.I. and wanna stay forever ( I wish a man thought that way about me....(pause)).
One of my favorite DJ's is from here (he's ILL plus he can dress his *BEEP* off)
So many dope emcee's reside and are from here.
Some of the ILLest beats are made here.
One of the BEST record stores are here.
Hip Hop lives here.
We've come so far!!
And to see the ugliness that sometimes shows it's face in the midst of all this...drives me INSANE.
An emo (maybe it's that time of the month) Rae♥
Joell Ortiz

He first blessed my ears with his ill verse on Kweli's Hostile Gospel Remix...along with my boo Blu...
Don't say I didn't tell you so..
WWD Update : Day Three

Kyle Ericksen
Arlotta by Chris Arlotta's cashmere robe; VPL's nylon and Lycra bra; Bodywrap Lites by Bodywraps polyamide and elastane panty under Strumpet & Pink's silk satin panties.

Kyle Ericksen
Apertif by Simeon Dacumos' nylon and lycra mesh and polyester lace bra; Coming-Soon's silk dhoti pants; Sam Edelman sandals; Donna Karan vintage belt.

Kyle Ericksen
Hue Intimates' nylon and spandex bra; Jockey's tactel nylon and Lycra spandex briefs; Bjorn Borg's cotton shorts; Patricia Fieldwaker's sequined silk shawl; K.Jacques St. Tropez sandals; Barbara Flood's Closet earrings.

Kyle Ericksen
Petit Pois by Viviana G's nylon tulle cardigan with velvet trim; Guia la Bruna's polyester and silk bra; Adam's nylon,viscose and elastane pants; Ariat boots; Patricia Underwood turban; Barbara Flood's Closet earrings.

Kyle Ericksen
Wearcass' nylon and spandex bodyshaper; Fred Leighton hair combs.

Kyle Ericksen
Hue Intimates' nylon and spandex bra; vintage Millers' jodhpurs: What Comes Around Goes Around boots.

Kyle Ericksen
Iridescent by BodyWrap's polyamide and elastane shapewear; Barbara Flood's Closet's pants; Ernesto necklace and bracelets; K. Jacques St. Tropez Sandals.
Xoxo - S.
Mass Appeal # 51

On stands at Rich's Friday. Get it, read it, stack it. And shout-out to Macaroni Jackson, who has a 37,000 word piece in this issue, his final proud printed fingerprint ode to M.A. Can't wait to read it Macky!
Can I organize a published editor meet n' greet so you can sign autographs and possibly collect digits from "hella fine" boss PDX ladies? C'mon Big Mack Supreme, it'll be fun...
Peep his other shit, just don't poke him if you see him on the streets. He's known to bite.
Maclean Jackson
Xoxo - S.
While You Were Updating...
Shawn Jackson

Shawn, Mr. Jackson if you're nasty, is one of the tastiest "new" emcees to hit the ground running. But he's not really new. He's been at it for years. It all started when he moved out East after a childhood spent in Inglewood, CA. First, it was high school with ma dukes in Florida. Then the craft really got down to business being honed in Providence, Rhode Island, where Jackson spent a decade following high school. You can dig up a couple choice 12" and remixes that Shawn blessed in the past but most recently, his studio time has found home in the city of lost angels where Shawn met Alex Newman, one third of Giant Panda and Tres Records, the label that also houses Y Society, People Under The Stairs and Lightheaded. The two worked well together, got busy and two and a half years later, First Of All was complete.
The first official full-length LP is 12 tracks of unrequited, original sound. It is neither distinctly East or West coast but instead possess pieces of each culture's spice. In fact, the coastal meld is so finessed, it's difficult to pick apart and pin-point where the beats and flow are coming from. Even though most of the album's production and lyrical guest appearances come from LA (the strongest beats come courtesy of Ty and Newman), every joint remains accomplished in its cake-mixed appeal. Lyrically, the album maintains the quiet, strong appeal of Jackson. There are tracks about the industry (Fix Ya Face, Hate Down, Maan Up!), girls (Go There With You, Gold Medal Kids) and recognizing personal confidence (Soopafly, Feelin' Jack and Strategies). The refreshing reality is the honesty in Shawn's writing. No gun shot wounds, no jail behind bars, no calling out names.
Aware of the two sides that live inside him, Shawn baked in a few subtle and non-intrusive skits where two friends of his, one from each coast, attempt to communicate with each other. They never succeed but maybe in the end they should have because Los Angeles, Rhode Island, East, West and in between, First Of All is appeal for the masses.
Rae and I had the chance to catch up with Shawn and Alex on a warm and sunny Friday morning, the day following their show (Newman manned the decks) at the Someday Lounge for the Fix. In person, Jackson is every bit what his stage presence alludes. He is kind and humble. No bling, no pretensions, no couture labels, no unnecessary posse of peoples. He is also funny, using arm gestures and faces to color humorous anecdotes. And he admittedly adores Portland, Peaches, Prince and wearing the color purple.
July 25, 2008
[Sara] Hello Mr. Shawn Jackson. So, can you give us the back story? There’s not a whole lot out there about you and it feels like you just popped up out of nowhere with this amazing album.
Shawn Jackson : Well musically I would say it really started in Providence, R.I.
[S.] Is that where you were born and raised?
No, I was actually born in Inglewood, CA So, 1995 – 2005 I was in Providence, R.I. so that’s why you hear a kind of East coast / West coast balance in my sound. I did the group thing for a couple years. I had different names. I would rather not go into that right now (laughs). I’ve been around. As far as Shawn Jackson, the past couple of years I’ve been on Frank and Dank’s 12” and I’ve been on People Under The Stairs 12” remix, a Time Machine record. I’m there but I’m kind of hidden.
[S.] What was the concept behind First Of All?
I knew early that I wanted to call it First Of All because I just thought that was a dope title but I didn’t know conceptually what I wanted to do with it. Being out West, I knew I wanted to do a dope, old school West coast vibe album. I always felt like they had the best albums as far as theatrics. With that and the producers and relationships I build with Newman and Ta’Raach and Mekalek, I just knew I could get a balance of sounds from all these cats that are so different and it was really just experimenting with that and then the album just formed itself. At any point in time, it could’ve went street or it could’ve went eclectic but it all just happened to work.
[S.] I’ve listened to the album all the way through several times and usually, I’m able to say, oh, you kind of sound like pieces of these three or four different artists, but not with you. Your sound is so unique and special. You really don’t sound like anybody else I’ve ever heard and getting the back story helps because you’ve spent time East and West. What has the feedback been since the album came out?
It’s been crazy. It’s such a blog and internet game now. There’s a couple types of black people. There’s black people that’ve had internet for 10 years. There’s black people that’ve had it for two or three. I’m the latter so I’m not on there all day like (pretending to click a computer keyboard). But it’s crazy to come to Portland to do a show and have people know me. I’m still naïve like that. People really seem to be excited about the album. I’m excited. It’s getting a response beyond what I can ask.
[S.] Tell me about some of the folks that you collaborated with on the album. Ty is featured on two of my favorite joints, Soopafly and Go There With You.
Soopafly, he actually produced that also. And Go There With You, that’s the oldest beat on the album. I lived in Rhode Island when I got that beat so that was 2004.
[S.] Do you have a hand in making any of the beats?
I don’t make beats but I wish I did. Newman did the title track and did Backstage. But what people don’t realize about First Of All and Soopafly, that’s a 2005 song. Go There With You, that’s a 2005 song. Feelin’ Jack, that’s a 2006 song. All of this is old music but it took me two and a half years to make it (the album) so now I’m itching to put some new stuff out.
[S.] What’s the connect with the other guests on the album; Double K, Comel, Beloved, Guilty Simpson and Big Tone and the concept behind the skits?
Double K, I got to tour with him in ’06. The cat Ja-Pan who’s he’s actually arguing with on the album, that’s a friend of mine from Rhode Island. The point of the skits on the album is the difference in where I’m from, like the conflict from within. They don’t even understand each other [for] the whole album and for me to have that balance is kind of like how my mind works. I don’t even over think it anymore. Whatever you hear, that’s it. That’s what I was feeling right then.
[Rae] So to piggyback off that, because as an artist, I know it takes time to get to that spot to where you don’t care [what other people think]. How do you remain confident when everyone is an emcee or is a musician?
I used to over-think everything because my focus was different. My focus was on being a better writer and not being an entertainer so this is my first time balancing both. You get to a point where you’re like, yo, I’m dope, I know how to do this, I could do this in my sleep, now what? Because I’ve done shows where some other goofy crew will come up and shut it down and I’m like, “You’re wack”, you know? But then it made sense because they think they’re dope and then people believe they’re dope. It’s just an entertainment game. I try not to deal with the bafoonery. I’m not a flashy dude. I talk a lot of flash…
[S.] You kind of do on the album – You’ve got the money thing in there.
I’ll explain that. What it is, I look at myself as an expensive commodity. A pair of Jordans, they only cost dollars to make but you sell that brand, and it is what it is. I’m attempting to something more priceless than something more fly by night. Shawn Jackson as an artist, I’ll say everything that I wouldn’t say as a person. It’s just my expression. On the East coast, everything is mad bear hugs and the end of the world. LA, it’s totally different. I’m learning to get back into my LA element. I left LA when I was 13, I moved to Florida in between [living in LA and RI], where my mother still lives and went to high school in Florida. On the New Jack Hustle album, I have a song explaining all of the moves.
[S.] Is that the next album?
Yes. We did it last year. Recorded it here in Portland. It’s called, “Sound Check: Live From Portland, Oregon”. Newman’s on the album and everything is Portland. Vursatyl’s on there…
[S.] That’s amazing. Why Portland?
Because we wanted to record to reel, to tape, and we knew a cat out here that had it [the equipment] and we just had the idea of using everything Portland.
[S.] When is that going to drop?
Newman [Giant Panda]: October
[R.] So right now, I think, is the best time for music because you have more choices, you don’t have to fit in a box. Independent is the major but on the flip side, nobody’s buying albums anymore so how do you make that work for yourself?
Yeah, there’s no filter. With First Of All, I tried to make it an album that you really wanted to know and own. I think CDs are for collectors. It’s the days of free media. You look at Wayne and the science of that. He did all that himself – the labels buying and promoting him like that. Regardless if you like him or not, you’ve got to respect his movement. What he did was big for music.
Trilla This Or That!
Transformers or GI Joes?
Bruce Willis or Samuel L. Jackson?
Bruce Willis.
Skydiving or tight rope walking?
Canada or Mexico?
I already live in Mexico [laughs].
Rice or potatoes?
Jackson 5 or The 5 Heartbeats?
Jackson 5.
Pre-Ike Tina or pre-Bobby Whitney?
It’s relevant to me so I’ll say pre-Bobby Whitney.
Last movie that you saw?
I finally saw No Country For Old Men.
Favorite fruit?
Peaches [laughing]. I’m sitting with two women, I’m sorry.
Favorite board game?
Favorite candy?
Gummi bears.
Ultimate collaboration?
Me and Prince. I’d have Prince produce something for me. I would like to do some old Indianapolis soul.
[R.] Would you dress the part?
[S.] The ass-out pants and everything?
I’m going for it. I’m going in!
[S.] And since you have a Portland project coming out, what do you love most about Portland?
People are genuinely nice out here.
[Trillas] Thank you for your time Shawn.
Hip Hop Jeopardy
I know I'm opening up myself to ALL kinds of hateration / holleration mail for this but I don't give a woot woot.
No prizes for this shit, just trilla street cred.
Xoxo - S.
Nas recently changed the title of his controversial new album, "Nigger" to "Untitled". What other crew in hip hop history was pressured to change their premier LP title to something less racially risque?
No prizes for this shit, just trilla street cred.
Xoxo - S.
GOOD Morning Sara...
*and a bonus video*
I remember what you said yesterday about how you THOUGHT your Monday was gonna be. I CAN'T let that happen.
We have a dope taste in music. I'm gonna make some thug happy one day LoL...
Aye Bey Bey!!
He isn't the only one that's truly missed...Shout out to Jenny Jones, Sally Jesse, Geraldo( I hope your nose is okay homie) etc etc etc
Crying Mountains.
This song always makes me emo.
Seriously..I start breathing hard...and I almost cry.
The day a guy writes a song about me...and his Maybach..damn...Free WATER for EVERYONE!! Sara gets a purse though...
Yes IT CAME!!!
Coming soon to a sidekick (no matter which version you got) near you...or yours.
AHHH YEAAHHHH let the debauchery begin!!
Oh and a word from my SON-LIGHT..
Coming soon to a sidekick (no matter which version you got) near you...or yours.
AHHH YEAAHHHH let the debauchery begin!!
Oh and a word from my SON-LIGHT..
Santos' Party House
Only in Manhattan does a spot that looks as unintentionally conspicuous as this :

Bring weekly heat like this :

Santos' Party House is the new new get down spot for New York club kids (Andrew W.K. hosts a resident night as well) and hip hop heads. Their marketing is kinda magical too :

Xoxo - S.

Bring weekly heat like this :

Santos' Party House is the new new get down spot for New York club kids (Andrew W.K. hosts a resident night as well) and hip hop heads. Their marketing is kinda magical too :

Xoxo - S.
Izza Kizza

Coming out of the Georgia peach trees with a fury, Izza Kizza recently stepped into the scene offering musical baskets of fruit and then some. With a mixtape titled Kizzaland scheduled to drop on July 29th, Izza is currently surrounding himself with Tim "Cock Diesel" Baland and 88 Keys on the production side of things. Other Kizza family includes Soul Diggaz, Atmos, Nick Catchdubs, Missy Elliot and Nelly Furtado.
Citing Outkast and Timbaland as influences, he's eclectic and a bit overwhelming right out of the gate. The sounds are kind of all over the place - a hefty dose of electro, a pinch of politico hip hop, crazy beats, flow is in the Magoo/Timbaland/Bubba Sparks vein. Even his photography attempts to capture the Cool Kids electro/backpacker crew as well as the clean, high profile glossy top 40 posse.
Are we feeling this? Comments, questions and concerns? Discuss.
Xoxo - S.
You Know I wear A Size 4
..Well I don't but Mya does.
I watched this video and DIIIEEEEDDDD. This came out freshman year of H.S.
I GOT THOSE DAMN MOON SHOE SKETCHERS RIGHT AFTER I SEEN THIS VIDEO. SMH!!! Had me looking like I was ready to take "one giant leap for mankind". DAMN!! I digress.
I always wondered why was Mya the only one rockin the cute tank top tummy shirt in the cheerleading scene. Was that the Captains uniform?!?!? I'm just sayin. She was looking all cute while the other girls were looking all corny.
And who in the hell would "LIKE" (in Mr. Shockers words) wanna "roll" with Silk The Shocker?!?!? WHO?!?!? WHO?!?!?!?
I'm mad that the hoeish boys name was Malik....You seen the note "If Malik was ya man he WASN'T last night." YA DAMN RIGHT!! He was in BED WHILE I WAS READING HIM A BED TIME STORY!!!!!!
I watched this video and DIIIEEEEDDDD. This came out freshman year of H.S.
I GOT THOSE DAMN MOON SHOE SKETCHERS RIGHT AFTER I SEEN THIS VIDEO. SMH!!! Had me looking like I was ready to take "one giant leap for mankind". DAMN!! I digress.
I always wondered why was Mya the only one rockin the cute tank top tummy shirt in the cheerleading scene. Was that the Captains uniform?!?!? I'm just sayin. She was looking all cute while the other girls were looking all corny.
And who in the hell would "LIKE" (in Mr. Shockers words) wanna "roll" with Silk The Shocker?!?!? WHO?!?!? WHO?!?!?!?
I'm mad that the hoeish boys name was Malik....You seen the note "If Malik was ya man he WASN'T last night." YA DAMN RIGHT!! He was in BED WHILE I WAS READING HIM A BED TIME STORY!!!!!!
Chino XL and Canibus in PDX

True story. Both of these microphone giants are coming to Portland.
Tonight, Chino XL's set to tear the roof off at Berbati's and next Wednesday, Canibus - love love love this man forever and yes, I'm well aware of the whole military militia mind frame - has been booked at Rock n' Roll Pizza, of all spots. No comment. No judgement. He could be at the corner of Williams Ave. and Killingsworth standing on a milk crate with a megaphone for a mike and I'd still be there early.
Xoxo - S.
PDX Steelo : ♥
Morgan Bass / 22 / Apparel Design student by day, Doug Fir fantasticness by night / 6:25 pm Saturday outside Active Culture frozen yogurt on SE Morrison
My outfit today is actually all really cheap stuff. My top and my bottoms are from Forever 21 and my shoes are from Target. The sunglass were left at my boyfriend's bar and my necklace I got at a store off Alberta. The lady said the little feathers were carved mammoth teeth or bone and the other little charm I found there too.
Stephan Alexander / 24 / Marketing / 12:32 pm Thursday outside Backspace Cafe
Pretty much, I went wake-boarding yesterday and I felt like I needed to wear sailor attire. These are old jeans, a Christian Dior shirt that I found at the bins, some sun-bleached Vans and sunglasses I got in New York.
Ibrahim Moustafa / 23 / HR / 12:40 pm Thursday outside Compound
The shirt I purchased from Paulskee from Mighty Four at Massive Monkey Day (in Seattle, WA) two years ago, after the popping battle. The shorts are from Zumiez. I don't wear shorts a lot but it's been warm lately. And I just had to match it with the plaid on the low-top dunks that I got at Journeys. Every now and then you can find some really dope stuff there.
This is Shawn Jackson and he is fly. His album, First Of All, is in stores now and it is amazing so go out and purchase it, preferably from 360 Vinyl. Rae and I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with him this morning. That interview will be up on Trillville as soon as I get done transcribing it.
1:55 pm Thursday outside Backspace Cafe
He's wearing :
Jacket by Fresh Jive
Tee-Shirt by Eksobition
Cap by C1RCA
Carl Leonard Roberts / Young at heart / Old Town China Town Neighborhood Association / 2:14 pm Thursday outside Backspace Cafe
The hat is from my heritage, I got it from a little Scottish shop on 36th and SE Powell. That's where you can get all your Scottish stuff, tartans and all that. I put all the trinkets on it myself. The larger feathers are Eastern Ring-Necked Pheasant, there's a Crow feather and there's a Chicken feather that fell out of my Dreamcatcher so I put it on my hat.
Xoxo - S.
Tonight Tonight Tonight
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