As you know, the trillest of them all is enjoying her super duper NY getaway. Things are getting kinda lonely in the Trill Den. I must say it's verrrrrrrrryyyy hard without my utltimate BOO! So in order to keep her leopreod print seat warm I decided to bring in a specieal guest. He's breaking hearts left and right. He's NO Sara...but please believe this man is DOING IT, AND DOING IT, AND DOING IT WELL!!!!!
Ladies and Gentleman, B-Boys and B-Girls, Please put your hands together for for Ra-Boogie!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright Ra, let the people know who you are and what you do??Slanger of sleep, boogie-ologist, purveyor of all that is awesome. I read mad comics too.
I know you've ran a few countries and what not, but please tell us
where your originally from and where you currently reside...that's if
you feel safe enough...I know you've got stalkers.I was born in Seattle, my family migrated to Oregon when I was about 6. We chilled in Clack-a-lack for a minute, then uploaded ourselves to the TRON, been dodgin viruses and hackers ever since.
Your an amazing dancer..matter fact I think you're one of my
favorites. I'll never forget when I first met you, I was SO IMPRESSED!! Many people attempt to pop..however their efforts are..mmmmm well lets just say that's where it stops...at efforts. Some attempts are very reminiscent of my middle school dances...or shall I say "Socials". Your style is extremely unique and very fly...no wonder why you bring all the girls to the yard. How long have you been popping for and what made you really get into it??Thank you for the kind words! I actually started at those middile school "socials". I met this kid in the 6th grade who taught me how to moonwalk. A few years later I picked up an arm-wave. But it wasn't until my sophomore year of high school that I really got into it. So it's been about 7 1/2 years now. I used to hit up this thing called "Night Court" when I was younger. It was a Boys and Girls Club basketball program at my old middle school. You could just go and shoot around on a Friday night. One of the councelors there happened to be an O.G. from Harlem. He was showing a few guys some "locking" moves in the corner of the gym. I was down with dancing, so I figured I would humor this guy by learning some of his "disco moves". Then he started poppin and it blew my mind. He pretty much became my Mr. Miyagi. We're actually like family now. ---That's the long and short of it.
Now, I know your quite the innovator, but what many people don't know is that you've single handily started one of the best dances sweeping the nation. SLANGIN. I've heard that it's actually used in many countries during major ceremonies and has also been compared to the forbidden tango. I know that must feel amazing to have people appreciate something that comes so natural to you and even adapt it into their cultures. I've been fortunate to actually have a lesson or two in Slanging, but can you please explain to those who haven't experienced such a passionate dance, what exactly is Slangin? Well, first one must understand the mind-set of a "slanger". When I slang, I think of the music as a beautiful woman. I see her from across the club. I look, then look away. I call the waitress over, and I say, "excuse me, Miss Waitress, can you send that beautiful lady a glass of water, and let her know that it's from me?" "Right away Mr. Boogie", she says. Then, I approach this beautiful lady that I call music, and I make sweet, sweet love to her. Not fast and rough like some of those other dancers, but gentle, and passionate. The kind where you actually take your socks off. Slangin is like a martial art in many ways. It combines fluidity of movement and precise timing. AND, if you're not careful, you can kill a man with it. It's called "slangin" for many reasons; the movements match the sound of the word "slang". Also, because it's dope, and people often say, "Ra Boogie, you slangin' dope!" (for those not up on their street talk, "salngin dope" is a term for selling drugs).
Are there different styles of Slangin?
Why yes, in fact, there are. It really depends on what kind of mood I'm in, and what music is playing. However, I've been known to do "seductive slangin", which is pretty self explanitory, and many styles that incorporate other types of dance, such as: "slangaloo", "slang, lock & drop it", and "slang walkin".
When should Slangin be used and who should use it??Really, it should only be used by myself, or by my Students of Slang, under my supervision. It's becoming such a craze that there's not much I can do about making sure it's done properly. So, I'm actually working on a series of instructional videos. Be on the lookout!
Any precocious measures one should take before they get their Slang on?I recommend wearing knee pads and a cup (even if you're a girl.....slangin is not a game).
Will we be seeing a Slangin video soon?Aside from the aforementioned instructional videos, my production crew is working on a highlight real for my youtube page.
You are quite the impressive individual. I feel honored to even have the opportunity to know you. I'm not sure if their ready but we're gonna hit the people with a double whammy. One word, Four Letters T-R-O-N! Explain Tron.TRON is more that just a word or the name of a place. TRON is a collection of fly individuals residing in the TRON. TRON is a state of peace, of "TRONquility". TRON is you at your most gulliest moment. TRON is when you strive for the best. TRON is never giving up. TRON is sometimes staying in on a Friday night to watch a re-run of Making the Band 4. TRON is a grilled cheese sandwich made on your George Foreman. TRON is a way of life.
Again I'll ask, who should use Tron and when should they use it?When one is at TRON with one's self, one can use TRON.
Will there be a Tron Dictionary??There's an unofficial "TRONtionary" at the moment. One is being TRONscribed as we speak.
And for my last couple of questions, what does Trill mean to you?Trill and TRON are not far off from one another. I regard my fellow Trills in much the same light as my fellow TRONS.
What's a Trilla?A fly Trill female. Nuff said.
Any final shout outs??To my cousins Ray Ray and Big Steve, see you when you get out! Miss Ragen Fykes, for her kind words, and being the true embodiment of TrillaTRON. To my family, thank you for being so supportive of my Slangin over the years.
-- Ra Boogie a.k.a. Tron Boogman